Sunday 20 May 2018

BC's Flooding it is Climate Change!

Much of the discussion about the 2018 floods in British Columbia has been focused on the human disaster that has been created in Boundary country in BC as it should be. But very few strong statements have been made about the facts behind the disaster and without a discussion around those facts how can we really address this issue and the new normal in the years to come. From extreme winters, abnormal fire seasons and flooding well beyond any 200 year standard, Climate Change is bringing a new normal to BC and if we do not recognize this reality and change our systems, mode of thinking and discuss this reality we are in big trouble.
For several years, experts have been linking the sharp rise in Spring temperatures in this Boundary area to Climate Change. Yet even this linkage falls short of discussing the many impacts of climate change all over the world such as increased crime, terrorism, mass migration, electoral manipulation, damage to food sources, disease brought on by rising seas, damage to port infrastructure, mass extinction, the list goes on. We are in short moving towards our own extinction as the dangerous levels of carbon which have been accepted by the Paris Agreement are not going to be met, we are not going to stay with 1.5 or 2ºC. We are on a path to 3.4ºC and accelerating. This does not include the impact of such things as the mass release of methane from the melting of the Arctic, one of many so called "tipping points,"  a gas 85 times worse than the release of carbon. This path would make our planet virtually uninhabitable for most humans and most species.
So what is the solution? We need to discuss the facts and share them with our friends as big media and our polititians seem incapable of diseminating this information or discussing the realities of what we are facing.

Some are already doing this in admirable ways. Among them are transportation planner Eric Doherty, Climate Race cofounder Ben West, Greenpeace's Mike Hudema, and Seth Klein of the B.C. office of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.

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